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In general, rehabilitation means recovery, a return to one's original state. Neurorehabilitation is a field of medicine in which rehabilitation treatment is applied to various injuries to the nervous system. Functional impairments such as speech, movement, memory and thinking disorders develop at this time. The spectrum of disorders is broad enough to cover the entire nervous system; this includes damage to the brain, spinal cord, and peripheral nerves.

Damage is caused by various pathological processes of the nervous system, including vascular damage (caused by blocked vessels or bleeding), traumatic injury, damage and functional disorders caused by infectious diseases and various chronic diseases. 

New Hospitals offers outpatient rehabilitation treatment and is the only inpatient rehabilitation center in Georgia. The following methods are employed:

  • Physiotherapy.
  • Neuropsychological diagnostics and rehabilitation
  • Mechanotherapy - contracture treatment
  • Electrotherapy
  • Aqua therapy
  • Botulinum therapy
  • Medical and nursing supervision

Timely diagnosis and appropriate treatment are essential in the management of neurological diseases. New Hospitals neurology department’s highly qualified team diagnoses and treats various neurological disorders according to the latest international standards. Neurological services are available for both adults and children.