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Vitreoretinal Surgery

Vitreoretinal surgery includes any surgical treatment that is used for the treatment of diseases associated with the retina and clouding of the vitreous body. This group of vision disorders involves the vitreous body degeneration, retinal detachment, and diabetic retinopathy.

Retinal and crystalline lens diseases differ significantly from each other, as some diseases are more common and easy to treat, and some are difficult to treat and often require a complex treatment approach. Various diseases of retina and crystalline can be cured by medications, laser photocoagulation and/or surgical operation. Medicinal treatment involves the use of Avastin eye injections for macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, and retinal vascular occlusion.

Vitreoretinal ophthalmologists of the National Center for Ophthalmology, make the diagnosis of retinal diseases and choose individually adjusted treatment or surgical procedure to stop the progression of the disease or to fully cure the patient and protect him/her from blindness. During diagnoses and treatment of various diseases of the cornea and crystalline lens, the specialists work jointly to provide the patients with a complete plan of treatment procedures from diagnostics until the end of treatment. The National Center for Ophthalmology is equipped with the latest equipment and medical facilities for accurate diagnosis of diseases.


Some common vitreoretinal diseases include: